Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Healthy balance...

I know, I know...I haven't blogged in a LONG time but everyone tells me they keep up with Miles on my mom's awesome blog so I felt like I didn't have to. I'm having a hard time finding a balance between trying to document every moment and enjoying the moment. There is definitely a fine line.

Becoming a mother of 2 was more and less than I expected. I expected more work..physical work which there is plenty of. What I wasn't fully expecting was the emotional work. I knew Drew would have emotional needs that needed to be addressed with having to share his mommy and daddy. But, I have had lots of emotional work that has had to be done. I guess with your first baby you are so enthralled with being a new mom and exhaustion sets in that you don't think about some of these things....I'm working them out, slowly and surely. I just want to be the best mom to these 2 boys that I can be but what mom doesn't want to be that. I have a hard time second guessing every decision that I make and both of my boys are so different that it makes it that much harder because what I did for Drew isn't and doesn't work for Miles which leads me to my next dilemma....

I've also been having a hard time soaking in all that comes with a newborn...his cute little noises, sweet first smile, and just watching him watching us AND all that comes with a hilarious, vivacious, charming, wild little 2 year old. I don't want to miss any of Drew's moments either. And I might add that I'm a very much guilt driven person and working really hard with God on this. I don't want to feel guilt about every move I make between the boys. My mom, who is the same way has been filling me with tidbits of wisdom, which are very handy because we are so much alike. She teaching me that it's ok to be more to one kid one day and then the other the next. I don't have to be equal mommy every day....all day. Sometimes, Drew needs me to play cars, and catch, and outside, and snuggle and watch a cartoon. And it is OK to put Miles down and engage with Drew, even if it means Miles is fussing and vice versa.

So, any words of wisdom, experience, or stories are greatly appreciated. As well, as prayers that I would learn how to maintain a healthy balance in becoming a mother of 2.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Miles' Nursery is DONE!!! (almost)

We FINALLY finished Miles' room!!! I do still need to paint his name on the blank sign above the rocker but we are debating his middle name. It feels like such a huge accomplishment and I LOVE the way it turned out. Drew's room is next door and I LOVE standing in the hall looking into my TWO boys' rooms at the same time. It makes it seem much more real that sooner than later there will be 2 babies at this house. I canNOT wait!!! As of today, we have 17 days until our csection but with all the contractions it may be sooner.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The's a growin'

I find that we are taking less and less belly pictures. I think it's due to the fact that this 35 week belly isn't so cute anymore! Lucky we only have a few weeks left....I think I can manage a few more :) but only a FEW!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fantastic photographer...

Isn't my mom a fantastic photographer? She took these pictures yesterday evening while we were all watching Drew play in the backyard. I put on my swimsuit and tried to get him to play in the sprinkler but he wasn't having that. My parents have the nicest backyard you'll ever feels like your at the botanical gardens. I was relaxing on their hammock when my mom took some of these. I wouldn't have ever imagined at almost 8 months pregnant, that pictures of me in a swimsuit would EVER be ok but that proves my mom has some skill :) Thanks, Mom!!

I was trying to talk him into playing in the sprinkler here...and even ran thru a few times myself :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bump watch...

Here it is....the growing baby bump! It sure is growing and fast! We will be taking my 30 week picture tonight. Enjoy!

funny faces...

Lately, everytime I get the camera out Drew starts making silly faces and I CANNOT get a good picture! I try and try and these are some of my examples, obviously from many different days. I HAD no idea where this was coming from. I know he's always acting silly and has the funniest personality but would it kill him to just give me ONE good picture!

Then, just like that the clouds parted and I figured out just what was happening...It was under my nose the whole time and I have NO IDEA how I could have missed this....BRAD TAUGHT HIM THIS LITTLE TRICK and I have evidence!! Notice the resemblance in the picture before this and then the one of them together. Aren't I in for a little bit of trouble with these 2 silly boys?!?

New Orleans...May 21-25....Picture overload!!

We went to New Orleans for memorial day weekend. It was to celebrate our 5 yr anniversary and Brad's 26th Birthday! We left early in the morning and drove and we had a blast in the car. I was worried driving all that way with a 2 yr old but he was wonderful!

We stopped at IHOP on the way to eat breakfast and Drew insisted on drinking his juice out of a little creamer cup. I thought it was hilarious. Look at that little pinkie sticking up! :) haha! Going to dinner...right when we got there. I couldn't wait to eat some boiled crawfish. YUM!
Letting Drew try crawfish for the first time... Note: I do know this is not the correct way to eat them :) but I couldn't convince Drew.

Blowing on it because it was 'hot'...
'eating' it his way....
I'm not thinking he liked it....
drinking as fast and hard as he could...That was the last crawfish he tried!
Sharing some lemonade in Jackson square...

We went to the French Market and Drew HAD to have these beads with the 'hootballs' on them....And he had been asking for 'sungasses' too for a long time....I love how he picked up the mirror to check himself out!
And for anyone out there with a 2yr old you know how hard it is to get them to nap, add in broken routine, not in his bed, and sugar and this is what you get.....a 2yr old smothering you with a pillow calling it 'peek-a-boo'
He would cover my head...Then, get on top of the pillow on my head... Then, hold it down until the time was just right.... And, pull it up screaming 'peek-a-boo' at me! Pretty entertaining for Drew, not so much for his suffocating mother. And you may wonder where Brad is or how he's helping....he's laughing as hard as he possibly can and then decided to take pictures because it was soooo funny! :)
We went on a carriage ride. Drew loves 'forsies'.
Watching the boats on the water...

We went to the aquarium and he was so interested in this HUGE white alligator...They fed the stingrays for us...and broccoli....who knew?!?!
We went to Brad's Favorite restaurant on his birthday and they had a live jazz band. Drew loved dancing on the street to the music....
And instead of a fancy dessert at the fancy restaurant we went to...Brad wanted Beignets. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRAD!!!
We had an absolute blast on this trip! It was such a nice getaway!

Another train ride...

I wasn't lying when I said he LOOOOOOVES the train!! This is the adorable face I get to see everytime we ride it!

Funny story...I was trying to surprise him this time so I hadn't told him what we were doing, just that he was getting a surprise. When my mom got in the car I was talking to her and then said something about eating popcorn....Drew yelled from the back seat...."We're going to ride the choo-choo!" I didn't lie about him LOVING to eat the popcorn, just as much as riding the train :)

Drew and his nana